There is nothing to fear in the darkness

I sat across a God-like panel years ago. Two women. Two men. In the times their mouth did not speak, their facial expressions announced their power, loudly. This was raw power, to decide from how well I tolerated their attitude, or answered their questions, if Ideserved the position I was being interviewed for. I have … Continue reading There is nothing to fear in the darkness

Brave it.

"I get most things that I set my mind to." The first time that I said this to my uncle, I hadn't said it with the expectant accompanying boast tone. I had said it in a low voice, low because it was burdened with the vulnerability of opening up to anyone. I had found it … Continue reading Brave it.

Mommy guilt is a thing!

There is such a thing called 'mommy guilt', that nagging feeling that constantly tells you that you aren't doing well enough, that nags you when you have to make a choice between something and your children. Moms who have to work long hours find they get this more often -I have friends who cry from … Continue reading Mommy guilt is a thing!

How I became an Owl

There are two types of Night people; those who wake up early, and those who stay up late. I have tried for years to reset my body clock. I joke often, that my timetable is an American citizen living in Nigeria.  I soon learnt to study beside a pot of beans, to watch YouTube videos … Continue reading How I became an Owl

Ten ways to help you manage the home load

In response to my before 5.00am  post a few weeks ago, Ayobami had some comments about not sleeping early no matter how she tried. Half the time, we get mentally worked up trying to choose what's for dinner or what the kids would take to school To be frank, I still haven't gotten it right, but … Continue reading Ten ways to help you manage the home load